Friday, September 04, 2009

Heckuva week...

From the source document (see the link "The source of this madness"):

3rd Sept - Condemner (sounds like a theme, doesn't it?)
4th Sept - Instrumentation
5th Sept - Refresher

I'm behind a day.  The leader of this project is ahead a day (dang Aussies).  I hate being late so early in the project.  Truly.

It's Labor Day Weekend and I must work tomorrow, a run to George to pick up some machines and then up to Chelan to fill some machines at the Grandview Motel.  Sigh.  Buud has promised we take Sunday and Monday off.  I hope we can.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Cursed September, and unfinished sonnet

Cursed September, stealing summer time
A little less sunlight every day
Languid nights grow longer, less sublime
Wearing more clothes keeps the chill at bay...